Fovea Solutions

Digital transformation leads to
industrial revolution 4.0
be on the safe side with Fovea Solutions.

Fovea Solutions offers business solutions and their related Software frameworks:

Businesss operating System (BOS)

Unlike a Computer Operating System which takes care about the proper and faultless operations of computers, the Business Operating System (BOS) is the fundamental framework which takes care about the proper and optimal functioning and performance of Businesses.


Process Mining – Process BI

Using your operational data to drive better business results 

Process Mining is about using smart software to continuously analyze and visualize the flow of your operations, so that you can identify specific ways to improve your business. It’s easier and more cost-effective than many people realize – with near instant results. 

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Performance Management – ScoreCard, Balanced Scorecard, Dashboard, HR ScoreCards, operationelle Riskscorecard, Compliancescorecard, strtegische Projektscorecard.

balanced scorecard

Business Prozessmanagement – Processmanagement, ProcessAnalyzer, Qualitymanagement and Auditmanagment, EA Enterprise Architecture Processmodeling, modelling of  Risikprocesses, Complianceprocesses, IT Processes and ITIL, Lean Six Sigma and EFQM.

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Datamanagement –  Solutions for CDC Change Data Capture, Datareplication in heterogenous Database Environmnents, SQL and XML Mapper and Datasequrity by  SSL.


Many years of experience by Fovea Solutions are your guarantee for sustainable success in your future. Solutions from FOVEA are tailored for all industries.

  • Finance, Insurance and Banking
  • Civile Service, Central-, Canton- and Local Govenrment
  • NGO’s and the top International Organizations
  • Healthcare, Hospital and Nursing Homes, Healthinsurance and Pensionfunds
  • Manufacturing, Engineering, Electrical Industry
  • Construction
  • Transport, Airline, Aviation, Railway Industry
  • Retail, Food and non Food
  • Foodprocessing and Foodsafety
  • Lifesicience and Pharmaceuticals
  • Education

Solution Groups

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